Ate induced rash and ruinous folly upon immortals and mortals, according to Greek mythology. Zeus, so angry at being played by Ate, cast her out of Olympus. Being earth bound did not slow her roll, though. Greek mythology credits her with starting the Trojan War when she tossed an apple into the air inscribed with the words ‘To the Most Beautiful’. Before it was all said and done, Helen of Sparta was not amused. Regardless, where there is discord and conflict, Ate still takes center stage.
Women are incredibly gifted at two things; inciting conflict and stopping conflict in its tracks. The world needs women willing to use their super powers for good. It’s something we cultivate as we age but we should be modelling the skill for those coming up. It’s never too early for children to watch a woman who knows how to, with perfect timing and just the right touch, turn a frown upside down. This is a gift we can give to any generation.
Harry Truman defined tact as the ability to step on someone’s toes without removing the shine. To do this a woman needs a quick wit and a way with words.

A razor sharp sense of humor is more attractive to many men than beautiful lips and sexy hips! Women who can keep others engaged in conversations peppered with intelligent exchanges and clever ways of keeping everyone feeling validated are welcomed in all circles of society.
The strength of a woman resides in the knowledge that she has that kind of power within her; to create discord or harmony as she interacts with people throughout any given day. We have no control over how others treat us but how we respond will lead to either harmony or discord. Patience and a healthy sense of humor will go a long way in keeping Ate at arm’s length in stressful situations. Some would even agree it’s what makes a woman especially attractive in social circles she visits throughout a busy day. It’s high time peace makers get the spotlight. No, it’s imperative that the peace makers take center stage in this topsy turvy world we live in now.
Amen on the importance of peacemakers taking center stage----that is probably the only long-term answer to the violence in the world--but it is a long-term answer. What do we do NOW??