According to legend, Aphrodite drove men wild, and not just because of the way she looked. She had a way with men, she did. Men clamored to be with her, to sit in her presence, and yes, to be all she would ever need. They were desperate to please her. So what kind of magic spell did she cast on men? Well, she could make a man feel as if he was superior to all other men on earth! And this became a problem for Daddy, Zeus. He was tired of all the rivalry and married her off to Hephaestus, an ugly and deformed man. Aphrodite, however, goes on to have a torrid affair with another well known hottie god; Adonis. Yes..THE Adonis.
So what can we learn from Aphrodite? Well, she was a beauty, But she took the art of seduction to a level not many other goddesses were inclined to put such effort into. She used the largest sex organ in the body when she seduced a man; the brain. She understood a basic truth; men fall for the way they FEEL around a woman and she made them feel as if they could get lost in her care and attention for all eternity. It was an authentic state of mind for Aphrodite. She was sincere in her passion toward Adonis. It was mutual, and it was real.
Women today have the same abilities. A woman is never more capable of winning the heart of a man as when she’s exuding confidence and holding her own in conversations with that man. Beauty is as much about attitude as it is physical features that just happen to have that IT thing going for them, not to mention the 'in the eyes of the beholder' thing. Feeling beautiful is about knowing your self-esteem does not rest on anyone’s approval of you. You are comfortable in your own body, whether that body is draped in designer clothing or the top sheet you wrap up in on your way to a bubble bath. Confidence is sexy and captivating. A woman who knows who she is, what she wants, and doesn't have to wait for a man to provide for her is irresistible to men. It’s so irresistible that age is not a factor for men drawn to this kind of assuredness. A woman in possession of this kind of beauty doesn't have to take cheap shots at other women in order to feel superior. A beautiful woman lifts other women around her. She empowers them to be their own brand of irresistible. It’s okay. Strut your stuff as you hit the floor running. The world is always looking for women willing to rise to the call of the bold, the beautiful, and the unique. Be authentically you every day! You aren't a knock-off, baby…you are the real deal! Show ‘em what you’re working with even if you do blush every time you hear someone call you beautiful.
Now, just a side note to Aphrodite's fame as a goddess of charisma and desire. She had an ugly side to her, as well. She cursed Medusa because her philandering husband raped the helpless virgin in her temple. Medusa's beauty was reduced to snakes for hair that turned anyone who looked upon her into stone. Aphrodite took her jealousy out on the wrong person, but that's the way some goddesses handled their rage. I guess it shows that while her great beauty was the stuff of legends, she lost it over someone whom she felt threatened that legendary beauty.
True beauty doesn't fade when wrinkles take up residency around the eyes and the skin once so toned becomes the waddle under the chin. True beauty resonates from eyes that still sparkle with mischief, concern, love....well, life, actually. Because our words are soothing, and our touch reassuring and nurturing, our beauty is captured in our hearts; the most sacred place for a woman's truest and most authentic beauty. So, while physical beauty takes center stage for however long you're given, know this....real beauty is that inner beauty that time can never dull. Shine on, beauties. Shine on.
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